Jedes Jahr im Sommer findet das Friedens-Workcamp des SCI (Service civil international) in Heideruh statt. Menschen aus aller Welt arbeiten gemeinsam zu den Themen Antifaschismus und Gedenkkultur. Außerdem verwirklichen sie Bau- und Verschönerungsprojekte in Heideruh.
Durchführung in Kooperation mit dem Service Civil Internationale (SCI).
Don’t let it happen again! (Buchholz)
SCI Workcamp 2024
Internationales SCI-Workcamp in Heideruh – noch Plätze frei!
Klasse Video über das SCI Camp
Camp code: DE-SCI 1.28
In 1945 the recreation centre “Heideruh“ was built by antifascists to support the victims of the Nazi regime and children liberated from the concentration camps of Bergen-Belsen and Neuengamme. After gruesome years of fascist dictatorship, relatives, survivors and friends built a place of refuge amidst woodland where they could regain strength to continue their fight for a better world. Until today, Heideruh is a recreation area for antifascists. Very often like-minded people from different generations meet up there. Furthermore, 9 asylum seekers from North Sudan and Syria are accommodated in Heideruh. Now, the place is to be made more attractive to younger generations, preparing for a time without contemporary witnesses. Type of Work: Maintenance and extension of the “barefoot walking path” and the “all generations” playground, mainly work with wood.
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